Sunday 30 December 2012

Elephant in the room!

Subject: the elephant in the room
Attention:Enbridge Northern Gateway and Kinder Morgan pipe liners
This ELEPHANT REMAINS IN THE ROOM---who pays when that ‘incident’ happens--not IF, but WHEN! Some talk of BILLIONS of dollars per incident---when asked ‘who pays?’ usually deafening SILENCE ensues.
As a citizen (tax payer) I do not want to pay the cost of the clean up for the inevitable screw ups—and endless lawsuits which are bound to follow...??
Good design and construction is anticipated for the pipeline and shipping;ok. But who’s designing and constructing the DISASTER INSURANCE PLAN to cover cost of THAT INCIDENT?
The beneficiaries; there are several—the Federal and Provincial Governments ; and Local Constituencies are desperate for the revenue--the oil producer, the pipeline operator and the shippers too will benefit handsomely I’d guess---and all these ‘revenuers’ and ‘profiteers’ could buy MUCH NEEDED PUBLIC SUPPORT if we could see a business plan that would show how they, together, will create a DISASTER FUND to cover any and all costs for minor or major incidents and law suits.
And yes, the governments too would need to contribute part of their ‘take’ to this professional,commercially developed Disaster Cost recovery plan. Call the big underwriters—I bet they would be happy to counsel in development of such a disaster plan...
I would hope that such a commercially developed scheme would include some form of ‘built in’, on-going checks and balances (due diligence) by the insurer to ensure that each payer is maintaining certain standards of practice that would minimize the occurrence of incidents???Rates to vary in accordance with the deductible and the insured’s ‘safe practice’ records!! A scary thought possibly for Enbridge and KM—and the rest of the project participants—but I need the comfort in knowing that those benefitting will not be burdening ME with the cost of that eventual ‘incident’!

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