Friday 8 February 2013

Get on with it ,already!

Subject: Get on with it,already!

Barbara Yaffe’s recent column
prompted me to offer this comment ;
1. the oil pipeline and shipping proposals (by Enbridge and Kinder Morgan) are necessary and require some ‘adjustments’; thus far, bullying is not working!
2. oil pipe lines and oil tankers are here to stay
3. all governments (local,Provincial and Federal) want/need the the revenue
4.the outstanding/controversial issues remaining can be dealt with
5.BC public are not a “bunch of earth mothers and fathers and eco freaks” as my recent Wild Rose Land Émigré friend suggested to me —he went on to suggest that without Alberta oil we need to “figure out how to power cars and trucks and aircraft with chicken feathers from Chilliwack! Quite funny —but I suggest , likely the prevailing feeling of many Albertans.
6.BC is not trying to pull off a PQ-NL power swindle deal—(yes,a Canadian solution should be our goal)
7.our leaders (Christy,Alison and Stephen?) need to sit down and hammer out a common sense deal(I suggest Kelowna as an Alberta friendly location)
8.the idealists will always be ‘around’ but ultimately the ‘common sense’ public will decide ; a few key concerns are—Burrard Inlet location,Douglas Channel location; and based on ‘online review’ the lack of Corporate operations SAFETY CULTURE in the proponent corporations. Finally ,who pays for the inevitable oil spill—be in a Kalamazoo like swamp,near a river or major spawning area,in a harbour or on our ocean shores(insurance is offered but we want to see the details and how will these SPILL DISASTER FUNDS be created and managed)?
The public and the project proponents want to ‘get on’ with these, obviously, necessary projects. So, to our leaders ,put away your ‘blinders’—and LEAD!
Surely the public(voters) don’t NEED to wait until the next election?
--or DO WE ?

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