Monday 18 February 2013

Get real Joe!

Subject: Get real Joe!

I see that Ottawa are proposing new environmental fines pipelines and nuclear industries.Fines to be $25,000 for individuals and $100,000 for corporations(trivial,even laughable!) ensure resource development is ‘safe and responsible’ says Joe Oliver,Natural Resources Minister.
FINES don’t stop pipeline leaks—PEOPLE stop pipeline leaks.
Start with Corporations that implement sound operations,maintenance and training plans for their all their PEOPLE that operate and maintain pipeline, facilities.
See ‘Summary of Enbridge Organizational Deficiencies’(per final U.S. NTSB report).
“Although these deficiencies involved different elements of Enbridge’s operations, and
may appear unrelated, taken together they suggest a systemic deficiency in the company’s APPROACH TO SAFETY”
Our lawmakers must insist that pipe liner organizations include an organizational structure that addresses ‘system operations safety’ as a public responsibility. The board provides STEWARDSHIP we’re told . Enbridge’ recent history suggests that there’s lots of work to be done to clarify who should be looking after pipeline operations.
Suggestion: Create a Corporate Technical Officer (CTO) and let the CTO sit at Board meetings to keep the Board apprised of ‘areas of concern’ and what actions are required to maintain a sound,safe system—on new AND older systems.The CTO, (along with a team of operations and technical experts),becomes responsible to monitor and report and the Board then becomes accountable to LISTEN and then ACT—by approving and implementing necessary action.That’s what I would call Stewardship.
Come on Enbridge show us the new Corporate Mission Statement that spells out exactly how your Board and Organization has changed –particularly your new APPROACH TO SAFETY.
Then the public and decision makers may start to look favourably at your Northern Gateway proposal.
Get real Joe—try TELLING these all wannabe pipe liners(Enbridge and Kinder Morgan,etc.) to commit fully to the safety culture WE REQUIRE.
OR, call for new proposals!

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