Tuesday 28 August 2012

ENBRIDGE might just GO AWAY!

Our squabble with Enbridge might soon become academic –the more I read about the BAKKEN MONSTER the more bewildered I become!
The immense Bakken reserves worldwide we’re told could make the whole Alberta Bitumen site obsolete ,soon! Nonsense you say!
Everybody better start watching this new oil player(the Bakken stories online will frighten you!)—because it’s here-BIG TIME!!
Huge Bakken reserves in central North America( North Dakota,Saskatchewan,Montana,etc.)the Williston Basin, also in Texas,and the Northwest Territories,---even Israel---and of course the Russian fields reported to be orders of magnitude larger than ALL the other fields so far Identified!Just a fairy tale you say---WELL how is it then that Texas Bakken oil producers are planning to rail ship 100,000 barrels per day to Washington State refineries—of course North Dakota are also planning to do something similar—what’s Saskatchewan up to then—will they soon annouce some big scheme— you can read  that our friends Enbridge and Keystone are including the Bakken production in their pipeline plans-NOW.
HOLD IT you say—that’s all speculation –what about the ‘frackin’ debate—not an unsolvable problem some say—an on and on..
There are stories about the US becoming oil exporters ! Russia too can build a pipeline to ASIA whenever they choose-What’s going on here—no one knows and/or is no one is telling.
Will Alison Redford(Alberta Premier) soon be worrying about being a ‘have not’ province and recognize Saskatchewan as the major producer in Canada—sacre bleu!
The Bakken oil is said to be a “light oil’ that’s easy to refine??Another issue that tar sands folks don’t want to hear—the Bakken oil ALREADY is claimed to be cheaper to produce than the tar sands oil.
If you’re not confused yet—think about an obvious answer to many of our energy problems—it’s called NATURAL GAS! I wonder why the big oil folks are keeping such a tight lid on this ideal resource—could it have something to do with money??
You say this is all speculation with no substance--well,maybe you’re correct—but I’d guess that big boys and girls already have plan that makes them lots and lots of money---maybe even OPEC could become extinct—or are they included in the SCHEME—any bets?
Our Northern Gateway Pipeline dilemma might become a non issue –soon. Enbridge could see better opportunities on the horizon and JUST WALK AWAY from the pipeline to Kitimat!!
Whatever—the problem with energy shortage of yestereday just got a lot more difficult with our now ENERGY SURPLUS-world wide..
Lots of ammunition here for the environmentalist folks—what’s their solution?Let’s here it!

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