Wednesday 22 August 2012

Subject: politics/pipelines

The study of politics(let me paraphrase) is scientific to the extent to that in the end the politicians must distinguish between facts and values—and then there are the biases of the participants— The typical review boards(National Energy Board)—are likely made up largely of politically appointees—
And in the end the politicians ultimately may ‘fashion’ their decision based on the latest political polls—so politics(not science) does become the deciding factor ;we all know this!
Recall the era of W.A.C. Bennett—no environmental review panels-just a ‘damned the torpedoes’ approach—just do it.Yes we must assume that a lot of study went into the process—but mostly the so-called STUDIES were likely rationalized to reinforce the ‘values/vision’ of the leader of the day –that’s how it’s been done since whenever---yes,some decisions made by leaders didn’t pan out so well—so what?
POINT:Leaders have a difficult job—and will continue to make ‘good’ and some ‘not so good’ decisions—funnily the whole shemozzle works not too badly—
Now some might say “if we could just get rid of those annoying TREE HUGGERS”—life would be much simpler...and on and on...

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