Tuesday 13 November 2012

Kinder Morgan very scary plan


The Kinder Morgan Very Scary Plan

We hear lots of debate about the Enbridge pipeline and the loading terminal in Kitimat—also great concern expressed about mega oil tankers wiggling their way through the narrow channels between the many small islands in Douglas Channel---

BUT we hear little from the local media and governments(local and provincial) expressing concern about huge bitumen laden tankers ‘sailing through Burrard Inlet’ past cruise ships,ferries,cargo ships,pleasure craft,etc.—This is just not a problem it seems---!

What am I missing?

I would think that the entire Kinder Morgan facilities and the Chevron refinery should be relocated to more sensible site and build the crude tanker loading terminal at Roberts Bank(WHERE IT BELONGS).

Recall that Bill Vander Zalm in his heyday wanted to locate the, then, 4 refineries to one combined/larger facility in the Fraser valley?—still makes sense.

Or we can do nothing—just let KM do their thing,unchallenged –we must collectively start screaming NOW or suffer the consequences.

Then we could look forward to black GOOEY BEACHES at places such as Jericho, Spanish Bank, Kitsilano, Ambleside, Wreck, Second and Third, and Centennial and elsewhere. You fortunate water front property owners in West Vancouver,Pont Grey,etc. should excited about such an EVENT! Maybe KM’ super tanker carrier owners could enlighten us about clean up procedures—the folks in Alaska could assist you in estimating how many decades the GOO would prevail.

Just thought I’d be helpful.

1 comment:

  1. The entire Kinder Morgan facilities and the Chevron refinery should be relocated to more sensible site. Truck Loading Arm
